Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The beginning of another lovely week

I love talking about my sexuality. Its a really good thing that I have this blog, or all I would do after my sessions end next week is overshare with every friend I have, all the time. At any rate, my sexologist says she wants to keep in contact with me until I become orgasmic. I thought that was pretty cool, and makes me feel that even if this doesn't happen for me by next week, I am not alone! Yay!
So, here is a video my sexologist told me to watch. Its kind of intense. It's a music video, but I listened to it on mute. It's like thirty different people masturbating, but you only see them from the neck up. It's pretty interesting.
And this one's kinda freaky, but if you're into science.... It shows the changes a cervix goes through- over the course of a month, or a lifetime. 
More later, adoring public, more later.

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