Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here's hoping you can see my hand sticking out of this mountain of school-related obligation

For endless LOLs:

Also, I'd like to check in... what do ya'll think? Do my exploits make you cringe, grin, blush? Give you pause for thought? Make you look down at your own business and say "whaaaat?"
I would dig some feedback.


  1. oops! finally here with ye feedback, sorry for the lag (you might not believe me... but I was going to respond before the reminder in the next entry). I am definitely learning some things. I wouldn't say I blush exactly but you are a very open person. not a bad thing.

    hope school is going well!

  2. things about me or things about sex or what?

  3. Your orgasms/money comment hit home. The people who really appreciate them are the ones who don't have enough of them. Also, nothing wrong with a vibrator orgasm. Quoting Betty Dodson "An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm." Also, I think this is a really great thing to do before you get married.
