Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh yeah, I still have this blog....

I feel like nothing has changed. Blech.
I feel like I'm not having any sex, and I'd don't even really have the motivation to use my vibrator on myself. That is some serious laziness.
I am supposed to get my aforementioned video in the mail this week, after almost an entire month. Apparently the woman's cat vomited on her computer. I guess you get what you pay for....
I started reading For Yourself. I need to get back to it, but it is really dated and I hate it. Sometimes, (probably often) one person in a couple is less interested in sex than the other. In movies or TV, this person is always the woman in a hetero couple, and the situation is portrayed as funny. Even on a good day, I'm pretty sensitive about the fact in my relationship, this dynamic is reversed. And it is not funny. It is fucking hard. And this book is constantly saying "oh honey i know sex isn't enjoyable for you at all, but try this! and then you'll like it!" So I feel like my ...abnormality .... is always being thrown in my face. However, it was assigned as long term homework and I feel obligated to finish it.
I am taking Human Sexuality from my sexologist next semester, and I'm pretty excited about it. Last Tuesday I went to a class to see what it was like, and also because my sexologist said I should. It was the class on sex positions, and it was cool to see what I have to look forward to.


  1. your tenacity is impressive! maybe it'll be easier when you're taking it as a class, and there are assignments and whatnot.
    sucks about the cat O.o

  2. i am really looking forward to the class! and, here it is, five days later, still no video in my mailbox. :(
