Saturday, February 19, 2011

Poor neglected blog....
Well, picking up where I left off:
I am ejaculating left and right now, but that doesn't make it any more comfortable an experience. It also necessitates a change of venue.
My sex life is just coming out of a lame hiatus. The dramatic reconnection at the bar I mentioned in my last post caused me to come down with an aggressive cold which then turned into a sinus infection and an ear infection. I had pinkeye at the same time. I got antibiotics and got better. My fiance caught it and his turned into walking pnemonia. He got antibiotics and got better.
Then I got my period. But it ended.
Then my tonsils swelled til they nearly touched.
You can't make this stuff up folks.
After 24 days of blech I finally had sex again. It was okay.
So in other news, my sexologist called to check in with me at the end of Jan., and that was very affirming. Having someone there who finds your sexuality so important makes one feel important.
My human sexuality class is fantastic- as predicted, it does keep sexuality on my mind a lot more. And my teacher is amazing. I read a letter to my vulva in class on Tuesday. In front of, like, 300 people.

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